Best quality German Holstein Breeding

Find out about our outstanding genetics by SYNETICS

German Holstein Cows are bred to be healthy, highly productive and offer a good fertility.

Within the scope of a healthy rearing period, maiden heifers achieve average daily gains with a high share of forage and pasture grazing respectively. First breeding of the maiden heifers takes place according to development rather than age. An age at 1st calving of 25–28 months proved to be very positive for the future development of the cow as well as for its future production ability.

From father’s side, the Total Merit Index RZG guarantees a balanced breeding considering milk production, functional herd life, conformation, reproduction, udder health and calving traits according to their economic importance. The Total Merit Index combines a number of single information and makes it easy for the breeders to choose a bull according to all relevant traits.

(Source: Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V.)

Current Status

With roundabout 4.2 million cows, Germany has the largest number of milk cows in Europe.

In Germany, approx. 88% (!) of all cows undergo milk yield performance testing, which is approx. 2.4 million cows; yet in areas where MASTERRIND is strongly represented, this number increases to 95%

The German Holstein breed has evolved into the most significant breed of dairy cattle in Germany (approx. 68%)

Approximately 20,000 breeding operations have more than 1.8 million Herd Book cows. This means that Germany also owns the world’s largest breeding population. More than one third of those are in MASTERRIND regions (approx. 616,000)

The most widely used Holstein sires in Germany also regularly come from MASTERRIND's daughter company's stables at SYNETICS.

Every year, between 20,000 and 25,000 German Herd Book cattle are exported to more than 40 countries.

The global demand for both semen from top bulls and embryos from established German cow families remains strong.

Powered by SYNETICS, MASTERRIND is not only the largest semen supplier, but also the largest exporter of breeding cattle among German collection centers (exporting to over 50 countries)!

Holstein breeding at its best at Schau der Besten


Contact for TOP-Genetics

Eike Spangenberg

Expert Genetics


+49 (0)160 5355880

Michael Hellwinkel

Auctioneer Dairy Cattle

English, Italian

+49 4231 679-112

+49 172 2133259

Verden (Aller)