Oct 26, 2023


Cancelled due to Bluetongue Desease

BT - Infection: MASTERRIND EXCLUSIVE - THE AUKTION on 01.11.2023 in Lingen, Germany cancelled


Dear breeders, dear customers, dear members, 

You might have already noticed it: Bluetongue has spread rapidly in the Netherlands and unfortunately hasn’t stopped at the German border. Since October 12th, we have known about confirmed cases of bluetongue in livestock in Germany. This is comes along with large-scale restriction areas and movement bans, which will now, after a positive finding in Lower Saxony, unfortunately also affect our auction site in Lingen. 

After examining all possibilities, including alternative locations, special regulations and alternative marketing options, as well as postponing the event, we have now come to the conclusion that unfortunately there is no other option than cancelling MASTERRIND EXCLUSIVE - THE AUKTION on November 1st, 2023 in Lingen.

The restrictions would have been too limiting and would have made it impossible to hold a successful auction and thus a full event experience for suppliers, customers and those interested in breeding.

Accordingly, the same applies to the dairy cattle auction in Lingen on November 2, 2023, which is currently subject to the same restrictions and therefor cancelled as well.

We are counting on your support and hope that you will now join us in looking forward to the upcoming February events, expecting that the general situation regarding restrictions and possible room for maneuver will be clarified quickly.


Yours sincerly,