Feb 29, 2024

Rosalie enchants 2,500 spectators

„Miss Schau der Besten“ comes from Herbergen

There was little sign of the first tentative signs of spring on February 29, 2024 in the Niedersachsenhalle in Verden. The tension there was crackling, as a highlight of the Holstein breeding scene was taking place. The MASTERRIND Schau der Besten has been a magnet for visitors for five decades and this edition was no exception.
The 2,500 spectators and judge Marcel Egli from Switzerland were able to see the outstanding quality of the animals as soon as the first class of heifers entered the ring.

O Katy, you fine heifer

The first highlight of the day was the atmospheric darkening of the hall. The 1a and 1b placed heifers entered in the spotlight. In the end, there was no way around O Katy by Wilcor Holstein from Warmsen. Her fineness and advantages in the shoulder area gave her the edge over Anna Meyers My Nixgirl (Damme), whose udder placed her ahead of the Honorable Mention Elaya from Büscherhoff Holsteins, Nesslage and Middelkamp.

Offspring that inspire

As a "showcase for breeding", the large Verden stage is ideally suited for the progeny competition. Daughter groups of the highly popular SYNETICS bulls Gigaliner, Hadi and Huracan were shown.

After an informative presentation of the bulls with relevant arguments for their use on domestic farms, the winner of the offspring was chosen. Once again, the successful breeding company Weser-Milch Lünschen KG from Loxstedt emerged as the winner with their Gigaliner daughter Addisyn. The reserve winner was Huracan daughter Wupper from Cohrs GbR in Bruchhausen-Vilsen. The Honorable Mention went to Gigaliner daughter Regine from Milchhof Düddingen KG in Stadland.

O Katy

Fotos: Guillaume Moy

Addisyn (V. Gigaliner)

Young breeder of the year

Henrike Ahrens, Young Breeder Representative, gave the laudatory speech for the Young Breeder of the Year with emotional words and one or two anecdotes. To great applause, multiple young breeder triathlon winner Fenna Gödeker was escorted into the ring and gladly accepted the award. A heavy shower of beer from her companions followed and everything was lost in a great roar of joy.

Medium winner selection with the "wow factor"

In the medium winner selection, the 1a and 1b placed cows with two or three calves were once again presented in the spotlight. Rarely do fans of the Holstein scene see such quality and the results of breeding skill presented so wonderfully. Judge Marcel Egli was simply thrilled with the cows lined up.

"This linear of cows gives me goose bumps," said Egli, describing his final line-up of the favorites he had named for the title of "Medium Winner". To standing ovations and much applause, Rosalie from Henrik Wille was deservedly awarded the title. She was joined as Reserve Champion by Fux Spotify from Hahn/Radke GbR in Eppendorf and the Honorable Mention went to Solito Red daughter Desire from the Büscherhoff, Espelage and Nesslage breeders' association in Nortrup. "Functional, balanced cows with good limbs and super udders, those are my favorite cows. And these three cows definitely are," concluded Egli.

"Breeder's gold"

The "gold in the barn" was honored in the lifetime performance class. The lifetime performance of each of the extremely impressive cows was presented. The crowd murmured time and time again, as the sight of such cow quality is not often seen.

Loh TJ Alessja, who has already been awarded the Miss title on this stage, led the class with an enormous udder quality. She was followed by White from Hatke, Wiechers and Saß-Hausschild from Bösel, who impressed with clear strengths in the central ligament and still very good movement. The oldest cow of the show ran on 1c, and this should be especially mentioned at this point: Loh Lippi from Loh An Holsteins impressed here with seven lactations and an incredible lifetime production of around 130,000 L. Despite this, she shone with incredible brilliance and still carried her udder surprisingly firm and high.

Winner old

By the time the winner was selected, the tension in the hall was palpable. The spectators packed into the stands could not take their eyes off the stage. Egli had his favorites lined up in a row in the hall. "I'm extremely happy with these six cows!" enthused the judge. The crowd cheered with all their might when the winner's trophy finally went to Cord Hormann (Wilcor Holsteins) for his Elina. The Reserve Champion went to Sönke Strudthoff from RS Strudthoff GbR for RS Maryrose and the Honorable Mention went to Torben Melbaum for Loh TJ Alessja from the breeders' association Loh An Holsteins, Torben Melbaum, Nosbisch Holsteins and Marc Blaise.


RS Maryrose (V. Arino Red)

The new Miss Schau der Besten

Could it get any more emotional? Certainly not at a German Holstein show! The finalists walked in on the glittering carpet, accompanied by a live performance of piano and song and a captivated audience. "You have a passion for good cows, you have to keep it up!" says Marcel Egli, shortly before he starts his final selection, Miss Show of the Best. The audience couldn't keep their seats when he quickly gave Rosalie from Henrik Wille au Essen the winner's clap. Reserve Champion was Elina from Wilcor Holsteins and the Honnorable Mention went to RS Maryrose of RS Strudthoff GbR.. The press and well-wishers pounced on the owners and handlers, tears of joy flowed, confetti trickled from the ceiling and relieved laughter rang through the hall.

