Dec 06, 2023

SYNETICS´ breeding programme continues to show strong superiority!

BREAKING NEWS: Proof Run December 2023

Another extremely successful breeding value estimation for SYNETICS!

Breaking News

  • Real Syn is clearly the No.1 Black & White genomic bull according to RZG and RZ€ as well as in the Interbull list.

  • SYNETICS provides 7 out of 10 of the best Black & White genomic RZ€ bulls.

  • Topstone has been the list leader according to RZG for over a year with additional daughters.

  • Gywer RDC has his first progeny-tested sons and proves to be the most successful sire in the Red & White bull segment. In addition, he also demonstrates his great advantages in the Black & White segment.

Black & White genomic bulls

  • With 171 RZG and almost 3000 RZ€, Real Syn continues to maintain his
    extraordinary class and the absolute lead in the overall list.

  • Rockwell improves his RZG by one point and takes 3rd place. Real Syn and
    Rockwell are the best Rover sons.

  • Mention must also be made of Marriott as the highest Mahomes son, Rainstar
    and Saiko, who are in the Top 10 of the RZG list.

  • As the highest Zivet son, Zirkel is proving to deliever free stall offspring for the
    future. He even takes 1st place in the RZorganic list.

  • Newcomer Rayban P is the highest polled Rainow son.

  • The top list for conformation includes Aeronaut and Way Maker. They are
    among the top conformation sires.

Zirkel 10.833618 (S. Zivet)

Black & White daughter proven bulls

SHo Beauty VG-86 (S. Topstone), Owner: RS Strudthoff GbR, Geveshausen

  • Topstone is and remains No.1 according to RZG!

  • Gywer RDC son Goliat RDC ranks 1st among the RZ€ sires.

  • Lenovo, Topstone and Gazebo ensure that 4 out of 10 bulls in the Top list
    according to RZ€ come from the SYNETICS stable.

  • A promising newcomer to the daughter-based breeding values is Babylon. With
    a balanced profile and outcross pedigree, he is remaining to become an
    impressive progeny sire in the SYNETICS bull program.

  • Darlingo, now classified with a fabulous EX-96, continues to consistently
    dominate the RZE Top list.

Red & White genomic bulls

  • Cop Red PP remains the highest homozygous polled sire in Germany's top lists
    of Red & White genomic bulls.

  • The best sires in the German Top list according to RZE, which is headed by
    Spicy Red, Maz Red PP and Fred Red P, shine with excellent conformation.
    Spicy Red has defended first place for a year now, while Feit Red P and
    SMS Red PP also appear in the Top 10 of the Top list according to RZE.

Mother to Spicy Red: ROL Lucky Cat VG-88 (S. Army)

Red & White daughter proven bulls

Bethaly 1.La (S. Grando Red), Owner.: Garthe u. Metz GbR, Ellershausen

  • 4 SYNETICS bulls can be found in the Top 10 of the Top list according to RZG!
    - Already with good auction heifers, Grando Red is now also in the Top 3
    according to RZG and RZ€ with his first daughter-based breeding values.

  • With +6 points in RZG, Sam Red P is the highest polled bull.

  • Especially in the Top list of Red & White daughter proven bulls, Gywer RDC is
    the sire of the Top 3.

  • Solito Red continues to shine with his well-known, good RZE, but he also
    maintains his strength in RZG.

This is just a small excerpt from the interesting portfolio of SYNETICS. We will shortly be presenting our current range of bulls in more detail here.


SYNETICS – The perfect fit